
Showing posts with label beach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beach. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The week in pictures

The past two weeks have been, school + more school...
Luckily for us mexicans we had a holiday break last weekend for the independence day and I fled to take a very well deserved break at the beach.


We left the city to go to Puerto Vallarta, roadtrippin'!

Skittle shots!!!

A little champagne!

The aftermath: Nothing better for a hungover than seafood...with lots of avocado. 

It was raining so bad the first day...

But luckily the sun came out the next day...

Walking in heels in cobbled stoned streets should be an approved olympic sport, don't you agree?

On our way back home we got stuck in traffic and in the rain and ended up making a 4-hour trip in 7 hours. Applause for my friend who drove (Love you N!)

And finally, meet duckie. A friend of mine just adopted a 3 year-old Basset Hound today. 
He's terribly skinny because he wasn't being taken good care of but with his new owner he will soon be     nicely fed and healthy. He's so cute. 

And now after a small break and a tiny but gooood dose of sun, I'm back with lots of homework and some projects. Stay tuned. 

xx, em. 

ps. Follow me on instagram @emigartua

Saturday, December 04, 2010

The weather outside is...delightful.

This is what my Christmas usually looks like. Weather-wise at least. 
And fashion-wise.
So sure, around this time the weather is really nice, but fashion-wise, our trend range is more limited.
Our summers are long and hot (and when I say hot I mean humid-and-sticky-hot) and our winters are short and well, not so cold.
By September (a.k.a. The Fashion Month) and Fashion Week when the whole fashion world is already clad in trendy coats and boots and already having a glimpse into the future as the next's spring/summer collections are shown, it's still summer in its full bloom and it doesn't cool off until the last days of October. Seriously, it's like living in the Southern Hemisphere.
And while yes, the weather is so nice, I'm a big fan of coats and boots and wool and lots of layers and our wardrobes do become a lot more limited. No transitional dressing either, you just wake up one day and realize "Hey, it's not so warm out" and maybe throw on a light scarf or sweater over your usual tshirt and shorts and so on.

 photos from Wildfox

When I was little I used to say my dream city was a city where you could experience fully the four seasons (no! not the hotel!). Flowers in spring, heat and the beach in the summer, crispy air and orange trees in the fall and snow in the winter.  I know, I know, I'm such a cliche, but I still dream of living in such a city (and this is one of the main reasons New York is my dream city), but let's be realistic: I'm not going anywhere. At least for this winter. 
For now I'm happy and grateful to be where I am. I know lots of people are dying to be in a sunny weather like this one, my own sister included. I have the rest of my life to freeze my head off just for the sake of wearing a camel coat. 

What does your Christmas look like? Any more Santas on the beach? 


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