
Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts

Saturday, March 17, 2012

New York, I love you.

There's something about New York. 
Since I was a little girl I've been obsessed with it.
My grandfather always said I was "pavement flower". 
You how there are cat people and dog people?
Well, I've always thought there are also country
people and city people. And I am a city person. 

Yes, cities can get stressful and noisy, but big cities, like NYC,
will never cease to amuse and amaze you.
The minute you step a foot outside the cab and onto new yorker pavement there's a rush that will invade you and will linger long after you've left. New York is the Concrete Jungle. Walking its streets is always an adventure. You never know what you will find. 
What other city in the world has annual massive pillow fights?
Only New York. 

Here are some shots from my last trip to the city that never sleeps. 

Monday, December 06, 2010

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Versailles meets Beverly Hills

Wildfox’s Spring Lookbook.

Modelo Ming Xi en Dansk, F/W ‘10. Fotografías de Alex Sainsbury y styling de Toby Grimditch.
/Model Ming Xi in Danks, F/W’10. Photographs by Alex Sainsbury and styling by Toby Grimditch.

Creo que quiero esto en mi pared.
/ I think I want this on my wall.


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