Has it been a whole year already?!
A year ago I was sitting right here, at home in my bedroom, pondering about what 2011 had been all about. Back then I all I though about was how 2010 had been a life-changing year for me. And it was. I couldn't really conceive how things could change even more in 2011. But they did. Oh they did.
If 2010 was a big year for me, then 2011 was HUGE. Every story has its outcome. Everything that began on 2010 came to a conclusion on 2011. The good and the bad. 2011 was a year of endings but also beginnings.
Everything that held me on suspense a year ago is now solved. Just to mention something, I am now in a new city, in a new university, in a new career, in a new apartment with new roommates, with new friends.
Maybe it wasn't full of huge, public accomplishments, but it was packed of gigantic private victories, and I'm really grateful for them and also, proud of myself. And even though to get to where I am today I had to work really, really hard in many ways, one of the biggest things I learned in 2011 (and one of the best advices I've ever received) is to just let things flow. Time really sets things straight.
Whatever 2012 brings, I'm ready.
So, 2011 and everybody who was a part of it, thank you.
Thank you for making me what I am and pushing me to where I am today.
Tonight I'm raising my glass to the old friends, the new friends, the good times, the bad times, to those who left, to those who came (or came back), the future plans, future memories, and to everything and everyone that will be part of my 2012...CHEERS!
2012, let's do this.