
Showing posts with label clothes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clothes. Show all posts

Monday, October 03, 2011

Mercedez Benz DFashion Mexico

Dentro del mes de la moda, el MB DFashion México no podía faltar. 
Desde el lunes 26 hasta el pasado viernes 30 de septiembre se llevaron a cabo las presentaciones de las colecciones primavera/verano 2011 de los diferentes talentos mexicanos. 
Tuve la oportunidad de asistir a algunos desfiles durante el jueves y viernes (no pude más por la escuela...bohoo!) como el de Pink Magnolia, Puma + Mancandy, Lorena Saravia, Karla Fernandez y el de Trista y poder checar las tendencias que nos esperan la próxima temporada, como los prints tribales, el fringe, los colores tierra, los colores pasteles y las telas ligeras y etereas.

During the Fashion Month, the Mercedez Benz DFashion Mexico couldn't miss. 
From Monday 26th to last Friday the 30th, the runways of the spring/summer 2012 collections by the mexican talents. 
I had the opportunity to assist to some shows druring Thursday and Friday (couldn't assist the whole week because of school..bohoo!) like Pink Magnolia, Puma + Mancandy, Lorena Saravia, Karla Fernandez and Trista and check out the up-coming trends for next season, like tribal prints, fringe, earth tones, pastel tones and light and ethereal fabrics. 

Mi amiga Alba y yo posando para Not Safe For Fashion

My friend Alba and I posing for Not Safe For Fashion

Aquí les dejo las fotos del desfile de Lorena Saravia. 

Check out the pictures from the Lorena Saravia Show. 

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Fashion Night Out!

The countdown is finally over...Fashion Night Out is here...
and not celebrating only shopping...
celebrating that Fashion Week has finally begun!
On Friday the Spring/Summer collections will start making their way down the runways...
I can't wait to see the new collections and what fashion has in store for us for 2012. 

We're not having FNO in Guadalajara, but they are having it (for the first time!) in Mexico City
I would love to be able to go out to the stores and meet all the talented mexican designers that will be all over the fno circuit. 
There's a lot of talent in fashion in Mexico, but it's not that well know!
It's time for us to support it. (More on this subject soon)
Today, if you're in Mexico City at least and going to the FNO, let's shop national!

Let the fashion frenzy begin!

peace + love, em. 

La cuenta regresiva porfin terminó...El Fashion Night Out esta aquí!
Y no solo celebrando el shopping...
pero celebrando que porfin el Fashion Week comienza!
El viernes las collecciones Primavera/Verano van a empezar a hacer su despliegue por las pasarelas...
Y yo en lo personal, muero de ansisas de ver lo que la moda nos depara este 2012!

No tenemos FNO en Guadalajara, pero si habrá en el D.F. (por primera vez!)
Me encataría poder salir a las calles y visitar las tiendas y conocer a todos los talentosos diseñadores mexicanos que van a estar por todo el circuito del fno.
Hay muchísimo talento en la moda en México, pero no es tan bien conocido!
Es hora de que lo apoyemos. (Más sobre éste tema pronto!)
Hoy, si estás en la Ciudad de México por lo menos, y vas al FNO, compremos moda nacional!

Agárrense que empieza el Fashion Week!

amor + paz, em.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Black + Orange: fashionable or halloween over-enthusiast?

My torrid romance with orange began a few months ago. In that moment I saw that Jil Sander white top +floor-sweeping-orange-skirt I knew it was love at first sight. sigh...
Soon orange was everywhere, on the runway, on magazines, on blogs, on the streets... and as before I knew it, it was slowly infiltrating my own wardrobe. A satin blouse here, and mini skirt there, a bright, bright orange summer scarf (is there such a thing as a summer scarf?), a poppy orange nail polish...
Then the F/W collections came... and orange was still all around, but now instead of the pretty pink and kermit green, it was surrounded with a gorgeous set of jewel tones. I knew it'd be a long-lasting affair.
But still, there is one little problem. As much as I like orange, I can't come to wear it with black. I like orange and black together. I see someone wearing such combination down the street and I like it! But every single time I've tried pairing an orange + black ensemble one thought comes to mind and I can't seem to shake it off: HALLOWEEN! 
How to manage wearing black and orange without looking live a halloween over-enthusiast, like one of those old ladies who decorate their homes with Halloween motifs two months in advanced? 
After all, orange and black are to Halloween what red and green are to Christmas, aren't they?

Is it just silly old me with this Halloween ideas? 
As the stubborn person I am I have decided to finally wear black + orange 
and forget about the Halloween nonsense. 
We'll se how it goes.

Does anyone like wearing orange and black together? If so, how do you wear them together?
Do tell!

Love, em. 

Sunday, September 04, 2011

come fly with me

Being honest, I have never payed a lot of attention when it comes to luggage. Except for being a sucker for vintage suitcases or trunks I'd like to use more like a decorating motif rather than checking it into a flight. 
As much as we love to travel, my family and I, I've got to admit we are not really practical when it comes to, well, a lot of things. Traveling is one of those things. 
I can confidently say I'm one of the worst people in the whole world, no, galaxy, when it comes to packing. 
Traveling light? What is that? 
Uh-uh, everytime I pack I don't know how but I always manage to end up packing clothes like I was going away for forever. Even when I'm going away for a week!!!
Last month when I left for Paris, I left home with a huuuge suitcase, and talked my way out of paying an extra fee for my extra baggage-kilos (yay me!) but after the mandatory summer shopping (sale season....) I ended up coming home with TWO full suitcases. 
So after taking 1 train and 2 long flights in one day (about 30 hours of traveling) hauling my luggage I came to two important (and obvious) conclusions: 

Get one of those chameleon-eye-like wheeled (a.k.a. I-move-wherever-I-want-whenever-I-want-it-like) suitcases, you know, those with the wheels move independently from each other. When you think of it, it's too obvious, how come they didn't think of that when they invented wheeled suitcases?! And why on earth I don't have one of those????
I think the time has come for me to start investing in practical luggage.  

And second, you know how they say that in Fashion September is the January of the year. The new year starts now, and under that pretext I'm setting a new-new year resolution: learn to pack light!!! 
Next time I travel, I'm gonna document my adventures and findings about packing...

Fasten your seatbelts!

Love, em. 

Saturday, September 03, 2011

meet miss doina

Meet Miss Doina Ciobanu, the moldivian, pretty-faced and tiny waisted blogger 
To say her wardrobe is enviable would be an understatement. 
Go drool, sorry, see for yourself. 

love, em.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Me encanta la cara de Diane Kruger de “lero lero soy la favorita del Kaiser y tu no” en esta foto.
/ I love Diane Kruger’s “I’m-the-Kaiser’s-favorite-and-you’re-not” face in this pic.


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